In A Matter Of Days


Audiovisual Installation
Thermal Printers, Video 4’02”, Stereo Audio.

Curated By: 480dim0
Presented By: A
CSVAW (Association Against Sexual Violence Against Women)
Supported By:
Heinrich Boll Stiftung Hong Kong

First shown at Cyber Lover/ Hater media art exhibition 480.0 性別 × 藝術空間 Gender & Art Space


我們在社交媒體都擁有評論、判斷、剖析和討論的權力。 主體和客體、評論者和被評論者、 施虐者和被施虐者之間的界線變得越來越模糊。 指尖比說話輕; 打字的速度比大腦快。 主 觀論點偽裝成 ASCII 符碼,信息已飽和得令語意消失,逐漸變成了漫不經心的喃喃自語。 在旁觀者看來隨意的留言在被施虐者面前變成暴力、侮辱。 

In A Matter Of Days 是一個以網絡評論為媒介的作品。 它試圖通過將文字轉化為其他感 觀,令我們可以以不同的眼光看待論壇和社交媒體上的評論和討論。 在牆上的拼貼作品 (Collage) 可以說是我那段時間上網經歷的縮影,包含我在 2023 年 2-3 月的兩週內收集 的熱門論壇。 這些詞彙在藝術裝置中轉化為語音: 文字到語音轉換後經過編輯,因此有時 聲音低沉、聽不見、難以辨認,最後交集成一首樂曲。 這個轉化過程 (Transformation) 突然令每個字的意義突顯,像是打破花瓶後,我們看到的鋒利碎片。 

In the age of social media, we all possess the power and authority to comment, judge, dissect, and discuss. Communication takes on new guises. The lines separating subjects and objects, the commentator and commented, the projected and the projector, abuser and the abused, become increasingly ambiguous. Fingertip weights less than speech; we type faster than our brain could ever catch up. Gossip, hearsay, could be absolute subjectivity disguised as ASCII inputs. The saturation of information makes it so that the words have somewhat lost their meanings and are manifested as nonchalant blabbering. The casual exchanges in the eyes of the public are otherwise violent, traumatic, and degrading in the eyes of the beholder. 

In A Matter Of Days (tentative title) is a work that uses online comments as the medium. It tries to look at comments and discussions on forums and social media in a different light by transforming one form of communication (text) into an audiovisual sensation. The collage consists of comments from popular forums posts that I collected during a two-week in February 2023; it serves as a microcosm of my online experience in that period. The words are then transformed into speech in the audiovisual installation. The text-to-speech transformation is edited so that it is, at times, muffled, inaudible, and illegible but mostly musical. When the transformation occurs, each word suddenly takes on more weight, revealing the underlying connotation or emotions we could have easily missed.


To Needless Illusions


A Room Different From the One You're In Now