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In A Matter Of Days
雲端懲人 Cyber Love/ Hate Media Art Exhibition
網絡是一個共同體,具有共同建構的 特性,承載範圍廣泛的信息資源,打 破時間與空間的隔閡。網絡在光速間 影響我們的行為模式,使之變成真實 生活的基本要項,任何人都可在網絡 窺視他人的生活,亦能輕易地對他人 造成傷害,人們的愛與恨逐漸依網而 生。
此展覽讓人代入「懲人」的角色,反 思自己過往在網絡上留下的每一個讚 好、評論、分享,當虛擬和現實逐漸 重疊,傷害蔓延到他人的真實生活,
那些對他人的性別、容貌、身材、職 業的肆意批評和指點,又會如何懲罰 受害者?
展覽將呈現多位本地媒體藝術家創 作,以多感官、多媒體的沉浸式體驗, 讓大家切身感受到網絡性暴力的傷 害,探討網絡文化如何催化網絡性暴 力,思考和實驗網絡文化的多樣可能。 若有一天,我們皆能成為網絡「情人」, 可否讓網絡世界變得更美好?
The internet as an online community is also a common construct that carries vast amount of information and resources that bridges the information gap caused by time and space. The internet swooped in, changed our behaviour and established itself as the pillar of our everyday lives at the blink of an eye; as acts of surveillance and hate on the internet became easy as a whip, our humane relationships and emotions are also increasingly shaped by the growing realities of virtual spaces.
This exhibition puts you in the lens of the “hater”, to retrace your steps and reflect on every single like, comment and share you have ever left on the internet. As virtual space and reality gradually intertwines, the damage also seeps into the real lives of people. How have your criticisms and mindless comments about people’s gender, appearance, bodies and occupation tormented any victims?
The show invites the audience to personally experience the damaging aftermath of cyber sexual violence through engaging and immersing your senses in these local artists’ multimedia creations. Join us in exploring how cyber culture has catalysed the growth of cyber sexual violence, deliberate and experiment with the infinite possibilities of cyber culture. If the day comes that we could become “lovers” of the internet, could you do better?
A Room Different From The One You Are In Now
a room different from the one you are in now is a site-specific mixed media art installation that explores the manifestation of overlapping spaces, (anti-)compromise and the ever-expanding distance between individuals.
Table(s) of Contents 搭枱
「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」2021/2022壓軸節目Jockey Club New Arts Power 2021/2022 – Finale Programme
a n t i p l a y g r o u n d
a n t i p l a y g r o u n d
multimedia installation + performance + lecture coming soon in December 2021
A Double Listen
Featuring Alain Chiu’s new sound art installation where different objects and sounds are fragmentedly laid out in a finite space, leading the audience to construct a sound afterimage, and unique listening experience.
i always hated the moisture, it makes me feel tired
“I always hated the moisture, it makes me feel tired.” is a virtual exhibition based on the yet-to-be-realized “Assemblages”.
Journeying through the connected space designed to store reflections, memories, and artifacts, you, as the assembler of these items, form your own voice whilst the diegesis – a created time-space continuum of dreams – begins to take shape.
It is a journey into bizarrerie.
Dream Sequence 2: Simulacra
Based on a text reconstructed from the artist’s own questionable, dream-like memories, Alain Chiu’s Dream Sequence builds on the concept of a collage. Sound art, musical composition and various media are combined to explore the metaphysical concept of the “present”. In Simulacrum, the exhibition hall of the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre is turned into a blueprint of space, on which CGI 3D technology is applied to create a four-dimensional space where reality and virtuality co-exist and the new intersects with the old
Truth Within Earshot? After Performance Sharing
After Performance Sharing - Alain Chiu dialogue with Yang Yeung
Artist Clinic: Perception of sound as a metaphor
How do we choose to distinguish between music from noise? The omnipresence of sound challenges our perception of sonic information. By bridging sonic arts and music, we create pathways to directly communicate with audiences’ perception of sound, space, and time. From Bach, John Cage, Max Neuhaus to the works of contemporary artists, this micro lecture meanders through different genres and look at ways to turn sonic perception into a powerful creative tool.