Hearing Memories


Sound Installation, 60 cardboard boxes, stereo sounds, sound devices and earphones

Community art project

Producer Trilateral Lab, Christabel Ng
Creative Support Christabel Ng
Videographer Max Lee
This project is made possible by the support of Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and Jacqueline Wong.



Hearing Memories is a sound installation consisting of fifty “fragments of sounds” of Hong Kong from the 70s to 00s. These sounds reflect the progression of the city over the years. Also, they capture social aspects of an era that were fleeting in time. Students are invited to connect their headphones to the “sound portals” and gain historical knowledge of the city from the previous eras. The artist wishes to stimulate students’ imagination, guide them to reconstruct the past and offer an opportunity to connect the students with their parents' childhood. 


A message board for participants to share their comments and opinions about the sounds on display.

A message board for participants to share their comments and opinions about the sounds on display.



Sounds play an important role in the understanding of the world around us. By comparing sounds from the decades past to that of the contemporary, it provides a gateway to re-connect to the past, as well as a prism to re-examine the present. 

The goal of Soundbox is to expose participants to the soon-to-be-forgotten sounds that they may not have heard, in order to arouse curiosity, spark imagination, and more importantly, provide an opportunity for them to reimagine history in a new light.


Space-time Capsule of Ma Wan Village


Fish in the Hand