a n t i p l a y g r o u n d
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Brainchild of sound artist and composer Alain Chiu and researcher and writer Ho Ying Yi and funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the cross-media exhibition, a n t i p l a y g r o u n d, will be presented from 16 – 26 December 2021, along with 9 performances and lecture-performances.
The project seeks to assemble a roomful of playthings assimilated with entertainment facilities in an amusement park and playground. The project is built upon continuous contemplation: What constitutes a playground? The word “anti” challenges the norms or conventions of spaces designated for creating joy, questioning presumed boundaries of reality and artificiality. The work, consisting of a two-week exhibition and a series of music performances and lecture-performances, will form a cross-disciplinary narrative to delve into the subject matter.
Highlight performances include lecture-performance on philosophy presented by Chun-Yin Yeung, Uncle Salt (鹽叔) from Corrupt the Youth (好⻘年荼毒室), performances from Cong Quartet and more.
Within the title made up by the two words “anti” “playground”, a contempt for conventions of spaces can be observed. A difference of dimensions implied between the two words: if without an actual space, what could a playground appear to be? A ’ground’ becomes associated with a continuity of fabric, whereas a playful ‘moment’ assumes connotations of ephemerality. #antiplayground, research in the form of exhibition and performances in a street-shop, is semblance of the spectacular in a playground; is also a means of provocation to shift attention from preceding depleted playground/parks to their more humanistic particulation, examining the messy/ fuzzy events that exist within them.
The work concerns the peripheral, is delivered somewhat discursive, by assembling the ‘countless alveoli’, in Gaston Bachelard’s words, we arAculate ‘compressed Ame’ contained within a space.
“in its countless alveoli, space contains compressed 3me, That is what space is for.” La poétique de l'espace by Gaston Bachelard
cross-media exhibition & performance work anti playground by Alain Chiu and Ying-yi Ho
Exhibition Period
• Date: 17 - 26 Dec 2021 • Time: 1500 - 2200 • Venue: G/F, 19 Old Bailey Street, Central, Hong Kong
Cabaret WHENCE THE SONG: the cabaret of antiplayground
past the memory not of one’s own, a flâneur betakes herself a privy wander
symphony of situations performed by Cong Quartet
• Date: 17, 18 & 25 Dec 2021
• Time: 20:15-20:47 | 19:15-19:49 (18 Dec only*)
• Ticketing: https://www.popticket.hk/event/antiplayground