Dream Sequence 2: Simulacra

ongoing Online: May 2021 - Early 2022

Dream Sequence 2: Simulacra video is out now!


Based on a text reconstructed from the artist’s own questionable, dream-like memories, Alain Chiu’s Dream Sequence builds on the concept of a collage. Sound art, musical composition and various media are combined to explore the metaphysical concept of the “present”. Dream Sequence comprises three parts: Anatomy of a Dream reveals “reality” playing out at different intensities in the background stories and hidden clues laid out in the Instagram of an insomniac virtual persona over a period of time; in Simulacrum, the exhibition hall of the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre is turned into a blueprint of space, on which CGI 3D technology is applied to create a four-dimensional space where reality and virtuality co-exist and the new intersects with the old; I always hated the moisture, it makes me feel tired invites the audience to walk into another four-dimensional virtual space (mobile app/web page). As they take this journey reconstructed from the artist’s memories, the audience experiences its plots, sequences, and sensory details, picking up some parts of these memories to create their very own song of the “present”.   


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